Our Deacon / Congregational Life committee is dedicated to providing fun and exciting social activities within the life of our church. Activities include movie and game nights, karaoke nights, trips to Angels games, regional day trips and so much more. They are supported by our long-term groups: Flagship, Windjammers and Women Connected, who together provide activities for all ages of adults. Contact the church office for more information.
Upcoming Events:
Worship With Us!
Sundays | 10:00 am
Thank you to those of you that have been joining us for Worship via our internet broadcasts each week. We have now made the switch to YouTube where we have a brand new channel: firstpresorange. Follow this link to view:
Please note that the service recording is available to watch on our YouTube page any time afterwards. Permission to podcast/stream the music in our services obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-733080.
Word & Wine
Wednesdays | 5:30 pm | via Facebook
Pastor Winston is also offering his weekly Word & Wine class as a Facebook premiere option during this period of isolation. Why not pour yourself a glass and settle in on the sofa? www.facebook.com/firstpresorange. You do not need to be logged into Facebook to watch as we have a public page – you just need an internet connection! Every week Pastor Winston offers a behind the scenes look at the upcoming lectionary passage that will be used in the sermon. Contact him to join our Word email list: rwinston@firstpresorange.org.