First Presbyterian Church of Orange celebrates the rich tapestry of love and devotion to God, carefully woven by its forefathers. A fixture of the Old Town Orange community, we have a rich history of informed worship, intellectually stimulating Christian discussion, warm and caring nurture of our people, gracious inclusion of all persons. We also have an ongoing courage to engage the lively society around us with a thoughtful, generous, and ethical mission. Through the different areas of our operation, we strive to provide an umbrella for our church-going and local communities at all stages of life and in all circumstances. All are welcome here!


OUR MISSION… “A Christian Fellowship that actively demonstrates the love of God through Jesus Christ for each other and for its neighbors.”

OUTREACH... We offer various services each week to those in need within the local community. We also have a strong commitment to our partner organizations and the foreign missions that we help support.